Thursday, January 18, 2007

Challenges that I am facing with my new quest!

BALANCE! This has become my new theme for 2007. How at 33 years old with a full-time job and several athletes of my own that I train, do I find time to Sprint, Powerlift, and Olympic Lift at an Elite level in all three? The answer is a work in progress, but I have made great strides so far this week. One of my biggest concerns is sponsorship, so I can maybe take a break from the full-time job, and concentrate on my athletes and myself. This is coming, but it isn't overnight, and the control freak inside expected it yesterday. My new family at Gym 365 keeps telling me to slow down and enjoy some of the simple things in life, and they are right, but can athletes that expect greatness really slow down? I hope so! The way I see it is that I have the next three years to leave some sort of legacy in the sporting world, and then I want to use some of my achievements to help others. I want to help teach people that nothing, and I mean nothing is impossible. I think that when I can do this, and really touch some lives, then I will find peace inside to quiet the demon that continually tugs at my shirt to do more!


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