Thursday, September 28, 2006

This is my little Stella! I would kill for this puppy! I sleep on the floor!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dynamic Clean & J and upper body 9/27


Clean & J- 120 + 42.5 K of chain/1 x 4, 130+ 42.5 k of chains/1 x 3, 140 + 42.5K of chains/1(308 lb bar weight & 94 lb chains=402 at top) and easy

Clean Pulls from floor- 170 + 42.5 chains (465 lb total at top)/1 x 2, 205 + 42.5 chains (545 total)/1, 230k + 42.5 k chains (506 bar weight + 94 chains= 600 at top)/1 easy

Bench with weights dangling from the end of the bar suspended by Mini bands doubled- 200+60lb of DBs/3 x 5, 245 + 60/2 x 2

The bench exercise was awesome, and I am going to check into the validity of this exercise in rehabbing shoulders. The instability should force the recruitment of all the stabilizing muscles, which in turn makes them stronger as you are rehabbing. This should prevent injuries in the future.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cancer Foundation

I'm so proud of my best friend Kevin Jones, who now lives in Dallas, TX. As a lot of you know, my dad past away last year from lung cancer, and his mother past away this year from cancer. Julie's father passed away 2.5 years ago from brain cancer. This disease is out of control, and in western North Carolina, it is utterly ridiculous. It is time that we take notice, when a small region is leading the nation in cancer. Kevin had the guts to stand up and have a voice, we should all follow his lead. He is the preppy looking guy toward the end of the video.

Life of a Banner

Celebration on the Hill 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dynamic Snatch and lower body 9/24/06

Dynamic Warmup: 5 minutes on bike, complexes superset w Pulldowns

Snatch of 6 inch box- 95 kilo + 17.5 kilo of chain/1 x 5, 100 kilo + 17.5 kilo of chain/1 x 3
Box Squats below parallel- 505 + 100 lb of chain/2 x 6
Glute Hams- 3 sets

I'm excited about this more and more. 33 year old making a comeback in a sport that "experts" say the athlete taps out at 23-25. I love proving people wrong. I also started increasing the intensity of my back squats today.

I'll leave you with this: "The only way to live longer is to live life to the absolute extreme, so much that you actually live life more than three people combined." So find your own Vision Quest and stop at nothing to achieve it.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

ME Cleans & Upper Body

Complexes and Pullups to warm up

Power Cleans w 17.5k of chains- 145K bar weight w/ chains/1 (total weight at top was 162.5 or roughly 360) This was awesome and easy. This was great for several reasons: accomodating resistance, instability, this limits the propulsion during the last phase of the pull, so arms have to really fast to rack the bar, which is my biggest issue as it has been for a while.
Bench Press- 185/10 x 3 (OK I am going to work back slowly if I post a big amount of weight within the next two monts feel free to post comments about what a fool I am)
Glute Ham Raises- 35/10 x 3

I am going to post my template that I have chosen later today or tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Last Two Workouts

9-16-06 Dynamic Cleans
Cleans- 120/1 x5, 130/1, 140/1, 150/1
Clean Pulls- 190 + 30K of chains/1, 200k + chains (approx. 506 lbs)/1 x 3 w/ 30 sec rest between sets
Glute Ham Raises

9-19-06 ME Snatch
Power Snatch- 115/1, 120/1, 125/1
Front Squat Max triple- 465 + 65 lbs in chains/3
Snatch Grip RDLs with two minis doubled and me elevated- 275 lbs + bands- (I loved these)- 3 sets of 6 reps

I'm learning a lot about integrating Westside w OL. I will start picking it up over the next few days. I want to find a meet, and I want to check on getting invited to the Arnold Classic in OL. What a change!

This moving bull-sh#t is for the birds, and next time I will hire someone. If you get a chance, check out my nutrition section because I've got some real good deals on supplements.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Mash Monster New Blogger

Just a quick note, this is your new blogger!