Wednesday, October 25, 2006

10-23-06 Dead Lift session

5 minutes Jump Rope

Deadlift- 700/1 easy (I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't loosing my strength)

People think that all the pulls in OL will up the deadlift, but that isn't the case. The strength curves are totally opposite. After moving the bar, so fast with OL, the deadlift feels crazy heavy, but after a few pulls, it's right back to normal.

Reverse Hypers- 3x10

10-22-06 Dynamic Cleans and Bench work

Power Cleans- 120k/1 x 5, 132.5/1, 145/1
Cleans Pulls- 190/1 x 4

Bench w one chain- 315+chain/3 x 4, 365+chain/2 x 2

Seated Rows- 3 sets of 10
DB Tricep Ext- 55/6 x 4
Rotator Work

10-21-06 Dynamic Squats in P.M.

5 min bike

Box Squats- 405+80 lb chains/2 x 5, 515+80 lb chains/2, 615 + 80 lb chains/1
Glute Ham Raises
Box Jumps- 36" Box with 60 lb vest 3 x 6, and one set of one on a 42" Box
One leg leg curl- 60/6 x 3

Saturday 10-21-06 Dynamic Snatch work a.m.

5 minute Bike
DB Complexes

P. Snatches/Snatch Pulls- 90k+20k in chains/1, 120k + 40K in chains/1, 90K+20k chain/1, 140+40K chains/1, 90K+20k chain/1, 170K+40K chains, 100K+20K chains/1, 185k+40K chains/1, 120K/1 Power Snatch with no chains

Heavy Abs

Thursday, October 19, 2006

10-19-06 Dynamic Upper Body

Bike 5 minutes
DB Power Cleans- 45/6x 3
Seated Rows- 205/10x3

Power Clean & Millitary Press- 90/1+3, and 110k/1+3 (Weird how I can do millitary press with relatively no pain, but bench still hurts. I have to build my upper body strength back. I've done a strick 145k/1 millitary (319 lbs).
Incline DB Bench- 100/8 x 3
DB Flies- 35/10 x 3
Tri-Delts- 15/8 x 3
DB Curls- 50/8x3
Rope Pushdowns- 100/10 x 3

I did a lot of upper body work tonight. I am giving my lower body a rest. I need to even a few weak spots on my upper body, so I can balance a few things.

After that I sat around and discussed politics with the intelligent gentlemen in my training group consisting of a retired Marine, and a guy who knows more about guns than a four star General. So as you can imagine, we were saving the world. One story that I have to tell you about is what Wayne the "Gunsman" was telling about his family history. Seems like in Alabama his family were sawmillers that invented a game consisting of hitting a board with a sledge hammer that rest on a rock, and on the other end of the plank was a block of wood. They would compete to see who could hit the block of wood higher. One day another man hit the block super high, and when the block came tumbling back down to earth, it struck his uncle in the head and killed him. WOW! As you can imagine, the sport never got olympic recognition!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

ME Snatch Work & Lower Body 10-16-06

Snatch Grip Push Press- 132.5k + 85 pounds of chain (377 total pounds)
Front Squats- 470+ 85lb chain (555)/1, and 535 + 85 chain (620 total pounds)
Snatch Grip RDLs- 110k/6, 130k/6, and 140/6

Abs Heavy

I am definitely feeling more stabilized, and my mobility is getting better each and every week. It's crazy training at my gym for OL, since I am the only one that does it. Form is huge in this sport, and I have teached a few people what to look for, so they could critique me, and it is working well. The perfect training facility lies in the positive atmosphere, not the equipment.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Dynamic Clean and upper body 10-14

Cleans/Clean Pulls (I rotated between the two today to get the contrast)-120+40 ch (352 lb)/1, 160+40/1 clean pull, 120+40 ch/1, 120+40k ch/1, 414lb+40k ch(502 total)/1 clean pull, 120+40k/1, 464 + 40k ch/1 clean pull, 120+40k ch/1, 530+40k ch (618 total lbs)/1

Bench w Dangling Med balls- 225+36 in med balls/3 x 4, 295+36 in med ball/1, 345+36lb in med ball(381 total lb)/1

DB Tricep Ext-superset w-Pulldowns-superset w-rotator work- 3 x 10 each

ME Clean and upper body 10-11 & Dynamic Snatch and lower at Richard Childress Racing


Power Clean with 30 kilo of chain- 130 + chains/1, 142.5+chains/1 (380 total weight) easy

DB Bench Press-100/10 x 3 (recovery)
Seated Rows- 3 sets x 10 reps
Band Pushdowns- Greens x 12 x 3 sets
Rotator Work

10-12 Richard Childress Racing Dynamic Snatch & lower
Snatch with Minis doubled (110 lb pressure at top) 70k+minis/1 x 6, 80k+minis/1, 90K+mini/1 (crazy feeling at top, really teaches speed for sure)
Box Squats- 405 + Green Bands Double looped/2 x 4, 515 + Greens/2, 585+Greens/1 easy
Glute Ham Raises with weighted vest- 3 sets of 8
Box Jumps w weighted vest - 36" Box x 5 reps x 3 sets, and 42" Box /1 (I did all of these from a seated position on a box. Louie told me about these. I slam my feet down as I jump, and I noticed that the harder I slam, the higher I jump)

My video section is now up, and I have a couple of free clips up, and will be posting some more. I also have a paid section with all kinds of material like, power cleans w chains, Front squats w chains over 630 total pounds, High Pulls w bands, bench w dangling DBs, plyometrics w bands, etc. Richard Childress Racing has an awesome weight room believe it or not. Weight vest, glute hams, Sorinex Benches and Power Racks, OL Platform, Kettle Bells, sleds, etc.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

10-8 Dynamic Cleans & upper & 10-9 ME Snatch Work

10-8 Dynamic Cleans & Upper Body

5 minutes on a bike
DB Complexes
Lying Oxes
Rotator Cuff Work

Power Cleans- 120 + 2 chains per side (344 lb total weight)/1 x4, 130k + 2ch (366 lb total)/1, 140 + 3 ch (428 total weight)/1 easy (I am very excited about the way this is going)

Dynamic Bench- 255 lb+ 1 chain per side + 30 lb DB dangling from mini-bands each side (255+40lb chain+60 lb DB= 355 total weight)/3 x 4, 295lb + 1 ch + 30lb DB/2 (395 total), 315 lb+ 1ch+30 lb DB (415 total weight)/1 easy I love how this is going! Thanks again Louie Simmons!

Weighted Pullups - 45lb strapped to me/6 x 4

Spread Eagle Situps- 50/8 x 3

10-9 ME Snatch Work

5 minutes bike
DB Power Cleans
Snatch Grip Complexes
Subscap Work

Overhead Squats- 160+2ch (240 total)/3, 190+2ch (270 total pounds)/2, 230 + 2ch (310 total)/1 *Stability is really catching up. Thanks to Louie I have some good ideas for the future.

Snatch Grip High Pulls- 225 + minis Doubles and knotted /3 x 3

Glute Ham raises- 25 lb/6 + 2 one leg hyper x 3

Things are getting really exciting. Louie Simmons is a genius in disguise! The strength world is blessed to have him. Hopefully others will open their minds to learn.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Important Questions In Life

Check it out, and reflect on life!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Dynamic Snatch 10-3


Power Snatch- 92.5 + 17.5k of chains/1 x 4, 102.5 + 17.5 k of chains/1, 102.5 + 35k of chain/1, 107.5+ 35k of chains/1 (total weight 142.5k or 314 lb)

Snatch Pulls- 157.5 + 35k chain/2 x 3 (total weight 192.5 k or 424 lb)

The chains are awesome for stability, which is everything in the snatch. If you feel comfortable under the weight, the lift is much easier.

This leaves me alone with three little dogs. Taking them outside can be an adventure, with three miniature Dauchshunds running in three different ways, and Mr. Powerlifter getting tangled in a web of leashes.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

My Babies

ME Clean and upper body 9-30

1. Bike and complexes

2. Bench with 25 lb DBs dangling from purple bands- 310+DBs/1, 330+DBs (380 total)/1

* These are really working great. I discussed them with my Sports Med guy the infamous, Dr. Gray, or whom we all just call "The Man". He thought they were a great idea, and showed me a bunch of new stabilization exercises, which I have video taped and will publish on my site by the end of the week.

3. High Pulls with two mini-bands doubled (clean grip)- 205/3, 225/3, 250/1

*For anyone who has ever done DLs with the minis doubled can have an appreciation for how much tension the bands had at the top of a clean pull at chest level. The trick here is to extend up, and not bring your chest down to meet the bar.

Prowler Work- 100 lbs added

ME Snatch & Lower Body

After having an hour conversation with Louie Simmons about my training my mind was full of new ideas as you can imagine.

1. same dynamic warm-ups (bike and complexes)

2. Front Squats- 455 + 120lb of chains (575 total at top)/1, 510 + 120lb of chains (630 total)/miss. Of course all of this is raw and boring, just kidding!

3. High Pulls snatch grip- 250 lb + 120 chains/2+1 hang, 285+120ch (405 total)/3 very easy

4. Glute Hams superset with Russian Twists weighted

Louie was telling me that the front squat is a definite indicator of the clean, so I am going to be doing several different versions of the front squat.